Denied at the door: Seven of the best sober activities for those under 21

Graphic created by Leila Dhawan / North by Northwestern

College and drinking seem — at least in the movies — to go hand in hand; and as a third-year, there seems to be 21st birthday parties left and right. It can be isolating to be on the younger side and watch your friends get their (real) horizontal IDs to have fun without you. When you’re stuck waiting around for your own birthday to go out to Boystown and Wrigleyville, weekends might feature fewer wild nights downtown than your older friends. But whether you’re stuck at home or just choosing to stay in, here are seven of the best ways to have fun without the alcohol.

  1. Me-time

Let’s be honest: Maybe you just want to stay in! If all you need after attending class all week is a night to yourself, you do you. Grab some blankets, make some tea, maybe even pull out the face masks you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Sometimes there’s nothing more fun than going to bed at 10 p.m.

This activity is best for the Sleeping Beauty.

  1. Game night

If you’re looking for a way to liven up your evenings (and maybe destroy some friendships in the process), this is the idea for you. Game nights aren’t just for your grandparents playing dominoes! Classics like Bananagrams or Scrabble are fan favorites for all ages, but you can try some more modern games like Cards Against Humanity or Quiplash if you’re feeling edgy. 

This activity is best for the Competitor.

  1. Trivia

Pickle pizza. Music round. The thrill of knowing an obscure question. What more could you ask for? While some of these might be unique to trivia at Bob’s Pizza, getting a group together to play trivia is the perfect way to flex your Northwestern brain and get a rush you’ve forgotten since your glory days on your high school quiz bowl team.

This activity is best for the Recovering Nerd.

  1. New hobby

Have you ever made your own rug? Me neither. But this could be your moment! There are so many places in Evanston and Chicago where you can pick up a crafty hobby, or just try something for once for the hell of it. You can book yourself a class — maybe those Norris Mini Courses are worth $100 after all — or choose the cheaper option (take a trip to Blick and pull up some Youtube tutorials).

This activity is best for the Crafty Type.

  1. Movie (marathon?)

Watching a movie is always a good move, no matter what it is. An oldie but a goodie? A new release you’ve been dying to see? Every single Harry Potter film (back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back)? You can’t go wrong with this one, so you might as well get your popcorn ready now. Bonus points if you make a blanket fort. Minus points if you fall asleep.

This activity is best for the Movie Buff.

  1. Dinner party

Are you always watching Chopped and Great British Bake Off? Well, here’s your chance to show off what you’ve learned. All you’ll need is a few simple decorations, hungry friends and one big trip to Trader Joe’s. Disclaimer: This activity may require a series of Venmo requests to your friends for ingredients and/or emotional distress.

This activity is best for the Host(ess).

  1. Northwestern activities

Northwestern events are never-ending. Whether you’re a sports fan, theatergoer or somewhere in between, you’ll never be wanting for something to attend. After all, college is only four short years (give or take a few), and you need to make the most of it by waiting in lines in sub-freezing temperatures for as many Welsh Ryan Arena games and Shanley Pavilion shows as possible.

This activity is best for the Die Hard Wildcat.

Whether you’re a homebody, bleed purple or are looking for ways to have fun without alcohol, this is the list for you! Cheers! (Or not…)