2349 Sheridan

2349 Sheridan

2349 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60201

< 100 Residents

North Area

Residential Hall

2349 Sheridan Rd. has a unique floor plan with lounge areas included in each suite. The first floor is home to both a pool table and piano, as well as a TV lounge. Residents make good use of the basement, which is often filled with students spending time together and cooking in the kitchen.


No Air Conditioning

Nearest Dining Hall: Elder

Community-style Bathrooms

Rates from 2020-21 school year

$10,212 per double/year

6 Minute Walk to Tech

13 Minute Walk to Norris

14 Minute Walk to The Arch

Information from Northwestern Residential Services

Designed by Nathanial Ortiz & Developed by Amy Guo