East Fairchild

East Fairchild

Communications Residential College

109 Residents

South Area

Residential College

Also known as the Communications Residential College (or CRC), East Fairchild has a tight-knit community of Medill students, theater majors, RTVF majors, and lots of other creatives. It includes two screening rooms, perfect for movie nights with friends or a date. There are four lounges on every floor where people often gather to study or hang out. The basement of CRC also has a study room, a music practice room, and a studio where CRC holds their annual Radiothon – 50 straight hours of broadcasting to benefit the American Heart Association. CRC is a great place to meet people, no matter what major you are.


Air Conditioning

Nearest Dining Hall: Allison

Community-style Bathrooms

Rates from 2020-21 school year

$12,195 per single/year

$10,212 per double/year

13 Minute Walk to Tech

5 Minute Walk to Norris

2 Minute Walk to The Rock

Information from the 2017, 2018, & 2019 NBN Housing Guides and Northwestern Residential Services

Video from NBN 2018 Housing Guide

Designed by Nathanial Ortiz & Developed by Amy Guo