The South Asian Student Alliance held its annual show a joyous, high energy celebration of the South Asian community and culture on Northwestern’s campus Saturday, February 22nd.

“We just think it’s really important, especially because minority groups don’t always get as much of a light put on them on a college campus,” said Riya Kumar, a First-Year Representative of the SASA executive board, “So this event is our annual SASA show, and it’s really important to us to promote cultural unity.”

The show featured South Asian dance groups Bhangra, Raas, Ahana, and DEEVA, acapella group Brown Sugar, and individual performances of stand-up and Carnatic vocals. Class dances were also interlaced throughout the program, raising cheers and laughter from the performers and audience alike.

The show was a platform for Northwestern students to celebrate their talents through the lens of South Asian culture, said SASA Co-president Aditi Rathore. She and other members of the executive board have been planning this showcase since last winter, and are excited to see their hard work pay off.

“It’s been really nice to see South Asian culture be more recognized by folks who maybe don’t identify as South Asian. So it’s been really great to see other groups of people come to our event tonight,” she remarked.

Olivia Yarvis contributed reporting.