This article contains spoilers for Season 42 of “Survivor.”

As we Survivor superfans know, we lost an absolute legend in episode 11 when Drea, advantage collector extraordinaire, was voted out. “So who do we root for now?” you may be wondering. Episode 12 answers this question.

Tensions are high at the start of episode 12. Lindsay and Omar are fed up with Jonathan, Jonathan and Mike are fed up with Lindsay, Maryanne is fed up with Omar and pretty much everyone is fed up with poor Romeo. Some may say the players are justified in being annoyed with Romeo because all he does is sit by the fire and eat the group’s rice, but I say give him a break. He’s the best Taurus representation I’ve ever seen on TV, okay?

The grudges each player holds mostly came down to who they really didn’t want to see win. Going into the episode, I was really torn on who to side with. Like Omar and Lindsay, I really don’t want to see Jonathan win (as my dedicated readers will know by now). However, I think Maryanne has a better argument against Omar, who was behind several major blindsides and vote-outs, including Lydia, Rocksroy, Hai and queen Drea. His Survivor resume is stacked, so he’s a huge threat to win if he makes it to the final three.

Lindsay wins immunity this episode, ruining Mike and Jonathan’s plan of voting her out. Maryanne points out to them what a great opportunity this would be to vote out Omar. Theoretically, they should agree with her. They’re hell-bent on getting rid of Lindsay before final three, and voting out Omar at this tribal council would only help them with that, as he is Lindsay’s number one ally. But, it’s Mike and Jonathan she’s talking to, so of course they don’t see reason. Instead, they decide to vote for Romeo simply out of irritation.

Maryanne then turns to Romeo for help. He’s on board for voting Omar, considering the alternative vote-out is potentially himself. That gives Maryanne at least two votes for Omar, but she can’t approach Lindsay for a vote against Omar. Don’t worry, though, Maryanne still has some tricks up her sleeve. Remember those stupid journeys to Shipwheel Island from the pre-merge? Well, during one of those silly little trips, Maryanne obtained an extra vote, which she still has in her back pocket. As long as Lindsay doesn’t play her amulet-turned-immunity-idol advantage for Omar at tribal council, Maryanne’s plan is gold.

Lindsay is a smart player, though, so surely she wouldn’t just let her immunity idol go to waste. Because it’s an amulet-turned-immunity-idol and not a standard immunity idol, this is the last tribal council Lindsay can play the idol. But Lindsay is so confident that everyone besides Mike and Jonathan will be voting for Jonathan that she doesn’t use it.

I love Lindsay, and I’ll be happy if she wins, but when Maryanne said in a confessional that Lindsay treats her like she’s disposable, she was absolutely right. Lindsay has always been able to count on Maryanne to vote with her and share strategy with her, but behind her back, Lindsay has considered voting for Maryanne multiple times. So, I reluctantly gave up my goal of Jonathan being voted out this episode. I just wanted to see Maryanne prove everyone wrong. And she did.

Maryanne got Omar out; she did that. Not only did she make possibly the best move of the season, she also still has a secret hidden immunity idol that she can play at the next tribal council. The crown has officially been passed from Drea to Maryanne. I better see you all rooting for her during the season finale this Wednesday.